Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Glenn Beck Rulz

He is now saying what I have been saying:

In this interview, he discusses the Geo Metro and mocks modern car makers for touting their lame gas mileage when a car that came out in 1989 gets better mileage than their modern marvels. Then, to top it off, he gets a car dealer buddy on the line and that guys starts bragging about a car that gets 36 mpg. What!? How can you be proud of 36 mpg in 2008 when we had 55mpg in 1989?

Modern cars are pathetic and that's why I own a Geo Metro (with pride).

One thing of note though, you definitely aren't picking up any chicks in one of these babies.


angela michelle said...

Good thing you already got your chick.

Farmer Joe said...
