Saturday, July 25, 2009


I was just talking to Jessica and mentioned how I really like wearing pigtails in the shop...and how today I actually went into town (the tiny redneck haven of Leonard) to run some errands in them. I guess I must really be getting old seeing as I no longer seem to care what other people think of my appearance? Or perhaps my transformtion into a quasi-new-age-redneck is complete? Anyway, for your viewing pleasure, Jessica, here they are in all their glory:


Jessica said...

i LOVE it!

Nancy Sabina said...

Wow! Those pigtails are awful! I can see how it would be helpful, but...

Wendy said...

Are you growing your hair out or something??

Farmer Joe said...

Jessica - you had better love it - they're all your fault!

Nancy - I can't decide, are you trashing on my pigtail making skilz or are you saying I look bad in pigtails?

Wendy - You will have to ask Jessica. I just do whatever she says, so this is all her idea.

Mark Ashurst-McGee said...

I've always kinda thought you looked like snoop dog.