Thursday, December 6, 2007


December 5th is the Dutch quasi-equivalent of Christmas, so we had the grandparents over for the festivities and a toned-down gift giving/party. It was good times since we just had a $5.00 limit on gifts and each person drew one other person's name from a hat. We had a big cook-it-in-front-of-you dinner and then special treats that the swarte-Pete's (black Pete) threw in the front door for the kids.
After all that, we convinced Grandma to come out to the back pasture to see the calf and Sterling really impressed the grandparents with his driving skills on the way out and Winter did the same on the way back. They have been practicing each night. It really is funny to see them concentrating so hard on something. They TOTALLY over-correct just about all the time, but they are getting better each day. Now if they could just reach the pedals we could send them out to get jobs....

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