Summer left suddenly and I did not mourn it today. This morning 10 yards of dirt/sand mix were delivered by a friend of mine to back fill around our foundation (a lender-required repair) and Luis and I spent hour after hour hauling wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of dirt. It was hot and sweaty, but at 80 or 90 degrees, it was so very much more pleasant than the work we were doing out there in the 107 degree heat just a few days earlier.
The second best part of the day (aside from the cooler weather) was that the guy who sold/delivered the dirt was interested in all our garage sale leftovers so I offered them all to him (along with the trampoline.) In return, he offered to bring over his "gato prieto" for me to use for a few hours. Behold the gato prieto in all its glory!
And...the glory shot!
So anyway, check one off the bucket list. I have now operated a bobcat (or as Luis calls it, the black cat or the gato prieto.)
The bad news is that there is still a yard or two of dirt in the front yard, the bobcat is gone, the job is done, and now I have a problem.
Oh yeah, and the cattle are gone today too. It was actually pretty cool because the guy that came to get them brought an old trailer that had a bar falling off it. So, I offered to fix it for him before he left (fearing the cattle would escape on the highway.) Anyway, the cool thing was that since it isn't my trailer, I didn't have to fix it right. I left the rust on it, left the paint on it, cranked up the gas and welded it right there in front of my shop, in the wind and with the cattle still in the trailer. It was really liberating to just do a crappy job on it and get it done in 2 minutes.
Sounds like you've been busy making some great "country" deals. Swapping labor or tools for goods.
If I win $75000 from HGTV will you come be my contractor?
Rad! I got that one on my bucket list as well. I actually have a friend that has one and want to bring it up but I can really think of anything to do with it.
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