Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mystery Cat

A couple of weeks ago upon our return from a trip to San Antonio, we noticed that our black/white cat was missing. It wasn't unexpected since we seem to go through cats fairly regularly around here. What was interesting though was that the disappearance of the cat seemed to coincide with an atrocious smell emanating from the general area of the chicken coop. We searched all around the chicken coop to no avail and I had pretty much decided that whatever was dead and decaying must have been under it.

While working out there today to replace some siding on the coop (as required by the bank?) we found the source of the odiferocity (yes, I realize that is not a real word.) But before we go there, let's take a step back.

I love Ginger. She is 4 years old now and is a real precious little angel. She loves to go out and play with the animals on the back porch, search around the bushes for eggs, catch crickets, watch spiders, etc. Here's a few of her other endearing traits/habits:
  • Whenever she is playing around me, she uses her highly sophisticated play voice and calls me "Joe"
  • She dances to church music (in church) and pretty much to any other music available
  • She loves her "widow wanky" (translation: little blanky) more than life itself. In fact, she often refers to it as an individual (imagine her searching through the house calling out, "where are you widow wanky?) Still though, she loves me so much, she offers, "do you want to smell my widow wanky." (apparently, this is a great honor and privilege)
  • She almost always just says, "ouch" and shakes it off - even when she really gets hurt
  • She went through a phase where she was always talking about her "vampire eyes" and affirmed to all her ability to use them to see in the dark.
  • She used to sit next to me in my office with a "computer" (made from a piece of paper), an old mouse, and an old cellphone to imitate me while I worked - some of the conversations she had on that phone were priceless
  • Overall, she is super soft and affectionate (more than any of our other kids have been) yyet she is as tough as a hardened criminal. I think that's a good combination
So I mentioned how Ginger likes to play with the animals (mostly the cats) on the back porch. I've seen her put them in cages, tie ropes around their necks for leashes, etc. Normally the cats are pretty cool with it and it seems like they enjoy the arrangement. Well, I guess one day (right before we went to San Antonio) she must have tied a rope onto that black/white cat and for some reason, she left it on him. Cause today we found that cat out about 10' away from the chicken coop with the rope caught in the bushes. I guess he probably died of thirst. Poor little kitty. I probably won't ever tell Ginger what she has done.


Jessica said...

not sure how to react...

Nancy Sabina said...

So sad! But what a sweet description of Ginger. She is quite the combo. Some day some boy will be very pleased with that.

Mark A said...

You out it on the internet bro! A future her already knows.

Wendy said...

you might want to tell her in a more subtle way so she don'et kill another one...

Farmer Joe said...

Yeah Wendy. Ginger had a hair band around the neck of the remaining cat yesterday and I told her to take it off so that the cat wouldn't get strangled and she told me that it was OK because that would not happen.
So, I told her about how the other cat had been killed by "someone" leaving something around his neck...she immediately removed the hairband...