Friday, April 25, 2008

Winter Expands Her Horizons

So the kids and I attended a baptism for a lady this evening. She is prolly 70 years old or so. I told the kids that once the doors opened, they could go sit up front IF they were super reverent. They were stoked and once the doors opened, they were on the way up before they were even invited - they had "front row" seats on the floor right at the edge of the pool with their little faces right about level with the heads of the lady getting baptized. It was a small service with probably 20-30 people in attendance, so just about everybody in the whole place heard it when, after the baptism was complete and they were starting to exit the pool, Winter asked, "are you really 8 years old?"
The whole place busted up laughing. When Winter came back to me, she asked me how old the lady was. I told her I didn't know and that some people didn't have the chance to get baptized when they were 8 years old. The things kids say....


Wendy said...

hahahahahahahahahaahahaaa ha ha ha
hahaha hahaha ha ha
That's really funny!!!!!!!!
I miss those crazy/cute/fun/sweet little weasels!!

Bea said...

Whahahahaaaaaa! Kids, aren't they adorable.
Of course that question was bugging her, to a kid's mind it was a very logical one. And now she's learned something new.
xx auntie B.

Nancy Sabina said...


angela michelle said...

"...cuz, man, you are NOT aging well!"