Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I never thought I would have been able to say this. In fact, if you told me ten years ago (or even just five) that I would be able to say this, I would have said you were crazy. Yet, here I am and forevermore I can claim that I sold my cattle to help fund my education.

Speaking of real funding though, our house "closed" today. Supposing we wake up tomorrow with some funds in our bank account (as we expect to do) the chapter of our lives entitled Country Life In Texas will have come to an abrupt ending. We're pleased with the sale and we are pleased with the new direction of our lives. We will, however, (and despite the heat, chiggers and poison ivy) forever have fond memories of this place. It has been great. Great for us, and great for the kids.

This new chapter in our lives is called "Terrorizing and otherwise disrupting the peaceful life of my parents in the city." Hopefully they (my parents) can make it through the next few months - it will certainly be a trial for them.


Nancy Sabina said...

I'm sure it won't be perfect for you guys either. As Ang just blogged about, everybody needs their space. But it is cool that you guys can all work on having a symbiotic (I'm pretty sure that's the right word) relationship for the next few months. Good luck!

I'll do my part to help by taking said parents off your hands for a week.

Emma said...

And the next chapter after that, terrorising your sister in law by calling her a bucket ;)