Sunday, March 23, 2008

Aunt Ruth Wows Bonham

Jessica's harp music was slated for the musical number in sacrament meeting today, and somehow, she convinced Aunt Ruth to come up from TAMU and accompany her. Ruth sang (soprano operatic style) and Jessica harped. It was really something and they really filled the chapel with sound. I guess I had never really heard Ruth since she switched to Soprano and since she changed her tunes to the opera stylings - it was something else - really amazing - wish you all could have been there.
We are now at ma&pas and, after just having celebrated Easter with an Easter egg hunt through the house (at an unbelievable volume) we are now preparing to celebrate the dual B-days of the author and mamaw. It's a day of serious celebration. Jessica and I got some "styled" crocs for mamaw - they kinda look like mary janes and we hope that she will find them both stylish and a relief for her sore feet.

1 comment:

Bea said...

Happy Birthday to you (both)!