It was a good day. How can I tell? Well, because I was able to incorporate this formula into an actual Excel spreadsheet at work to solve a somewhat problematic data issue:
=INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("'Data Summary'!",(ADDRESS((6+$I$1),8,1))))My wife thinks I am crazy for being so excited about it, but it isn't every day that you can nestle three rarelyp-used formulas into a single formula to perform a specific purpose in a spreadsheet. It's like finally being able to use the lowest key on the piano, or the smallest wrench in your toolbox, or something like that. It is just a rare and fun occasion. (this one's for you UnkyGiash - who says I never speak on work on this blog?)
Another good thing? My good ol' pops just saved us $870.00 today. We had already received a $900 check from our (now bankrupt) home warranty company to replace our water heater (which has been popping the high-temp override switch on a daily basis) and with $30 in parts and an hour of labor, we just replaced all the parts and have what is practically a new water heater. I never would have done that - I would have just taken the plumber's advice and got a new heater. So, here's looking at you pop.
CONCATENATE? Dude, you must be some kind of Excel NINJA! That's awesome!
We actually only replaced all the electronic components. Let that be a lesson to all readers. $32 for 2 new heating elements, 2 thermostats, and a breaker. I also spent $7 on a new element wrench. Then an hour or less of work and it's all good.
My admiration is affirmed. Brilliant. Matt agrees.
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